Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I am DONE! Hehe. Somehow, I expected to feel exhilarated, but nooooo..... nothing. Well I suppose it's because the journey up until yesterday been a slow and steady trudge and unlike the exams where there was a build up for an intense few hours in the very end , the deadline for the BB invasion has always been on the horizon. Anyhow it's all over now! And it's slowly sinking in how soon I'll be back on home soil.

Hmmm, what shall I do today? Such a wonderful feeling this lack anything to do... hahhha. I'm treasuring it while it lasts since all good things come to an end. :P

PS. There's some crazy digging by construction workers just outside my building causing a deafening din!! Thank goodness I need not worry about concentrating on my paper... the noise is driving me a little nuts. :P

PPS. I've received 4 free tickets to attend the Visa 2012 Olympic Party. Hahaahhaha.. o well.

PPPS. Realised last Sunday that it was going to be my last session at HTB. I'm gonna miss it!!!! LOADS!! It's been such a wonderful, enriching experience. A lovely blend of worship and grounded teaching.

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